Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Square Dancing

Dear Diary, I should have popped you into my handbag to keep up to date with the action.

The Square dancing was an experience; one which left me gasping with exertion. It did cross my mind that dancing so energetically could be more worthwhile than going to the gym, or aerobics. Not that I indulge in either! Shopping is strenuous enough.

Many people of diverse ages gathered in the hall. The regulars were easily picked out; the girls wore swirling skirts, and the guys all wore a bright coloured waistcoat. I hadn't realised there was a uniform for such an occasion. In spite of not wearing the correct dress I had a fabulous time. And the supper Dear Diary! Sandwiches, savouries and home made cakes; one in particular a three-layered sponge filled with strawberries and cream was irresistible. [I had two pieces Dear Diary ... what an admission!]

Shortly after supper, which fell in the second-third of the evening, Jake had an accident. He was promenading with Karen when he slipped, on what we later found out was a small piece of ham dropped from those delicious ham, cream cheese and pineapple sandwiches. There was no warning. One moment he was moving on the floor, and the next he was sitting on the floor with a surprised look on his face. I smothered my mirth ... well it was funny! There was Jake in his skin-tight jeans, a T-shirt with a silly slogan across his chest, his hair dishevelled from the exertion, sitting on the floor with his feet towards the sky. His look of surprise changed to one of agony as he tried to stand up. His foot gave out. For one moment it appeared he had broken a leg. There was a rush of dancers to help him to his feet, and half-held him up to take him to one of the hard wooden seats scattered around the edge of the hall. Jake grimaced, rolled up his jeans with the greatest of difficulty, to expose a leg rapidly beginning to swell.

I think it was the shock of it all that made me call out, "Is there a doctor in the house?" When everyone stared at me I knew I had made a boo-boo. Dear Diary, why does my tongue run away with me in times like this? There was one advantage ... a few laughed, lightening the mood. However, it became obvious that Jake did need medical treatment.

Niece and her man, aided by Karen, and supervised by myself, helped Jake into the car before hurrying to the local medical centre. After X-rays, and a long wait, it emerged that Jake had not broken a bone. Thank goodness Dear Diary. He did have serious bruising and had pulled a muscle, which will heal if he doesn't use that leg too much.

We are all home again. Karen is fussing over Jake, Niece is baking a cake to help build him up, and I ... I am staying in my room recovering from a huge night out.

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